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Held Titan Evo

8.00 / 10

(Na podstawie 1 opinii)


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Forum Held Titan Evo

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Porównanie z nowszymi Titan RR
03.11.2021 16:18:38

Here's a comparison of Titan Evo and RR. I have in front of me Evo size 10 and RR size 9.5. I also got Evo 9.5 later and updated my review. Unlike with Phantom IIs - they don't make Titans in long variant.

RR is a bit of a different glove rather than just an upgrade. Here arepros/cons of RRs vs Evos:

+ When off, RRs shape like a tunnel into which you install your hand. I tried ~12 of top sports gloves and never seen anything like it. It's a nice feeling, like the glove is always ready for you. Evos are more flat, like any other glove. Disadvantage (not for me) of that is that RRs cannot be folded, unless by force.
+ Held certainly re-thought finger lengths for this new release. Finger lengths and widths are much more sensible and predictable now than with older releases (Evos, Phantom IIs, etc).
- less titanium on the knuckles and hence look a bit less cool, more plastic instead. Looks like they cheapened out on this. Most visible part.

+ huge lump of titanium on the side arm. Evos only have plastic there

- no left-hand visor wiper on RRs!!! - for some weird reason it looks like only pre-production models had the finger wiper. Quite nonsensical move, as Held is known for the wipers. I called them and they said that instead there is this patch of suede leather. But I feel it would smear the bug on the visor more than remove it.
Also, this suede gets flattened and shiny very quickly.
- I feel like they might be less tactile as the leather on the palm is glossy and seems to be a bit thicker (thin and fuzzy on Evos - also more pleasant)

- palm colour is now black, so less visible for hand signals, but does not get visibly dirty from handgrips.

-/+ no hard sliders at the ball of the palm - only stingray panel

-/+ has multiple air intakes, much more than Evos. I just rode for 40 min with RRs on, in 12 C weather at ~90km/h and my hands were somewhat cold, but not numb. I could not feel direct air flow.

+ finger bridge is shorter, so the top part of the pinky is free to bend (but also maybe(?) more prone to be broken)

+ stitching around stingray-sliders is now more recessed so supposedly does not get damaged as easily as in Evos when sliding on the balls of hands. But I like the look and feel of the Evo slightly better in this area.

- massive HDR logo on the top of the wrist is a bit too in-your-face, even in all-black version. Evos are very low-key on branding.

+ 9.5 RRs feet me well - none of the fingers are too long, but the glove is tiny bit too wide (palm and fingers). Size 10 Evo finger length is tiny bit longer (better for me), but the thumb is a bit too long. Glove is also slightly wider than RR 9.5

+ sleeve part of RRs is significantly more compact than Evo's. Evos feel massive in this regard and unless you were tiny size, or have massive forearms, you look like wearing medieval war gauntlet.

In general, I think Evo is similarly protective, a more handsome glove and a bit more comfortable in terms of manual dexterity. Phantom II is better than both on the dexterity front, but missing finger bridge, hand-edge protection and hard sliders.

Trying both in the same size fore extended period of time did not brought me closer to say "that one is the glove I love". I think RRs are better for track. As for the street - it's a toss-up. I am now thinking of downgrading going to Phantom II or something else for spirited street riding to get back some dexterity.

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